Condiţii de înscriere
Additional Information:
Sections of the Conference:
- Private and Public Law;
- Administrative Sciences;
- International Affairs, Economic and Social Studies;
- Regional Development and Environment Protection.
8th June 2020 - registration form submission to Această adresă de email este protejată contra spambots. Trebuie să activați JavaScript pentru a o vedea.
12 th.June 2020 - Papers acceptance or rejection announcement
Conference Fee:
50 EURO or 200 lei/paper, and 75 EURO or 400 lei/two papers.
The conference package will be available only for the authors who attend and submit a paper for publication.
The registration fee should be paid after the acceptance of the paper only.
Papers submitted to the Organization Committee are subject to a peer review process and will be checked with a specialized similarity software.
Kindly request: no more than two articles / team, and no more than three persons / article.
Registration Form
1. First name:
2. Family name:
3. Institution:
4. Article’s Title:
5. Abstract (no more than 250 words):
6. Key words:
7. E-mail address: